Quality and purity of feed.

Provide turf protection thanks to lightweight design - low ground pressure.

High efficiency


Tine and roller conditioners





Pure feed in all conditions

Farms dealing with milk production and cattle breeding require feed of the highest quality. For this reason, we recommend using SaMASZ machines for harvesting green fodder, which guarantee optimum harvesting while preserving the highest possible content of nutrients. This translates into the efficiency of milk production and the health condition of the herd, thus helps maintaining a competitive advantage. It is extremely important to take care of the quantity and quality of the feed, as the number of processes associated with its preparation always results in losing the nutritive value (such losses can be as high as 50%). SaMASZ machines minimize the mechanical and natural factors affecting the harvesting of green fodder. They reduce the content of impurities, optimize the quantity of nutrients, increase the efficiency of milk and cattle production, which translates into a higher profitability of the farm.

All technologies incorporated in SaMASZ machines serve to reduce the loss of the nutritive value, and ensure its purity and more economical harvesting of green fodder.

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Konieczyna En 4


When harvesting green fodder, it is required to minimise the impact of negative environmental factors, such as:

• inorganic contamination of the feed (soil, stones, etc.),

• washing out the nutrients by rainfall,

• organic pollutants - microbial activity, decay, mould growth, browning of green fodder, development of thermophilic bacteria.

This is why it is so important to use machines, which eliminate the negative factors throughout the entire process of harvesting green fodder - from mowing, through tedding, raking, and harvesting. The quality of the feed is also influenced by the way it is stored (it should not be frozen, damp, dried, or exposed to contamination).

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The basis for the proper feeding of dairy cattle is to fully satisfy the need for nutrients, depending on the physiological condition of the animal. The level of nutrition provided for dairy cattle varies during the various lactation periods, mainly depending on the volume of milk production and body weight.

Bulky feed and nutritive fodders are used as the feed for dairy cattle. Taking into account the physiological requirements of the ruminants and the significant economic aspect, most of the feeds in the ration are comprised of bulky feeds (they can make up to 80% of the total ration), which means that their high quality is extremely important. The right feed, in terms of the optimum quantity of nutrients, is obtained by the proper selection of machines and the correct setting of their parameters, as well as the correct timing of the agricultural processes (mowing, tedding, raking, and harvesting).

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The factors influencing the efficiency of milk production have both genetic (breed, individual) and environmental (e.g. nutrition, cattle living conditions, climatic conditions) bases, which are considered to be of higher importance. The correct feeding method helps achieve very rapid changes in the milk yield. It stabilises and optimises the fat and protein content of milk, while maintaining the good health and fertility of cows.

High quality feed prevents the occurrence of common metabolic diseases (e.g. acidosis), udder inflammation, and eliminates reproductive problems. Such diseases have a direct impact on the milk yield.

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High quality feed translates into the profitability of the farm, because:

• it helps achieve lower feeding costs (the better the quality of the bulky feed, the more the cow can consume, and therefore use less of the nutritive fodder to achieve the assumed weight gain)

• helps maintain and improve the health of the herd

• The ‘tastiness' affects the amount of feed consumed by cattle, and its nutritional quality affects the amount of energy and assimilation of nutrients

• contributes to the high milk yield and quality

• helps meet the physiological requirements of

cattle breeding

Feed of the highest quality is the only guarantee of producing large quantities of milk, while maintaining high health status of the herd, which translates into a positive economic result.

Grafika Dla Asi Schemat 2018 Eng
The technology which has an impact on the purity of feed - DISC MOWERS
Kosiarka Dyskowa Jakość Paszy

The technology which has an impact on the purity of feed - DISC MOWERS

• Stepless adjustment of the cutting height (from 3 cm to 7 cm)

- setting the machine to the standard cutting heights in the range from 3 cm to 7 cm (from 5° to 0°) allows the mower to be perfectly adapted to the existing working conditions (the optional high-cutting skids and double high-cutting skids provide a cutting height of up to 12 cm)

- the correctly adjusted cutting height (we recommend the min. height of 7 cm) has a positive effect on the quality of the cut green fodder and the condition, size, and speed with which successive crops grow back

Leaving longer stems (7 cm), by keeping a longer distance from the soil, reduces the risk of contaminating the feed by subsequent green fodder harvesters (a tedder, a rake, or a baler). If cut too low (less than 5 cm), the grass weakens the plants and slows down the speed with which successive crops grow back, resulting in lower yields of lower nutritional value, in the future (TOP AGRAR 04/2017)

Czystość Paszy Schemat

• The perfectCUT and EcoCUT bars

- they ensure the optimum ground pressure with simple adjustment and adaptation to the working conditions, efficient and extremely smooth flow of green fodder during mowing, even on dense crops and at high working speeds, as well as protect the turf from damage and the windrow from soiling

- the desired cutting height depends on the angle of inclination of the cutter bar


- the streamlined discs make it easier to transfer the mowed material to the windrow behind the mower, which ensures that the plants are not cut again and prevents crop losses resulting from it

- the high mowing skids make it possible to increase the mowing height in specific field conditions or when harvesting specific crops

- the cutter bar provides an optimised flow of the cut material to the crushing unit, and rapid ejecting of the windrow behind the mower, which is particularly important for windrows of high density and high working speeds

• the adjustable pressure between the rollers makes it possible to take into account different characteristics of the green fodder mass (soft or hard stems)

• the correct relieving of the pressure exerted on the cutting unit reduces the pressure applied on the ground, thus preventing contamination of the feed and protecting the turf, as well as increasing the service life of the machine

• the centralised suspension distributing the weight evenly on the ground, excellent ground tracking ,and large tilting range (up to 24°) facilitate the precise cutting on uneven terrain

• gentle lowering of the cutter bar to the ground

The technology which has an impact on the purity of feed - CONDITIONERS - OPENERS AND ROLLERS
Czystość Paszy Kondycjonery 2

The SaMASZ conditioners mounted directly on mowers allow skipping the tedding process, which translates into a significant reduction of losses in the nutrient value of feed and shortens of the processing of windrow. This solution allows you to achieve higher yields, by reducing the number of passes and achieving bigger and more valuable crops in less time.

Wał Bijakowy 2019 2 En

The mowers equipped with conditioners leave behind loose and airy windrows, resulting in a free flow of air and shortening the drying time of green fodder by up to 25-30 % (Farmer 2006). The faster drying is the result of the easier evaporation of water, by rubbing the plants against the machine parts, and the plants against one another, thus destroying the wax layer on the leaf blade, while at the same time pressing them out. Faster transporting of green fodder from the field reduces the washing out of nutrients by rain and its exposure to sunlight, which causes the decomposition of carotene. This helps achieve green fodder of high quality.

Bijak 2019 En

Conditioners reduce the loss of the nutritional value of plants and increase the density of windrow. The solutions applied in SaMASZ machines ensure the spreading and laying of windrow in a manner, which guarantees its protection against driving over it and impurities. They also prevent the grass from winding up on the opener.

Kosiarka Schemat 2

Studies show that after cutting green fodder with a mower equipped with a conditioner, the quality of the silage made from it is better: the pH value of the silage mass decreases faster, as a result of the faster fermentation of monosaccharides under the influence of lactic acid bacteria, which are higher in number, which also reduces the ammonia content.

The amount of dry matter losses, depending on the type of the mower used [%]

Schemat Eng

Source: Adam Radkowski, Maciej Kuboń, Jakość siana w zależności od technologii zbioru, Inżynieria Rolnicza (Hay quality depending on the harvest technology, Agricultural Engineering) 6(94)/2007

NEL energy content [M⋅kg-1 s.m.] depending on the type of mower

Zawartość Energii

Source: Adam Radkowski, Maciej Kuboń, Jakość siana w zależności od technologii zbioru, Inżynieria Rolnicza (Hay quality depending on the harvest technology, Agricultural Engineering) 6(94)/2007

The technology which has an impact on the purity of feed - TEDDERS
Przetrząsacz C

To obtain clean forage, it is required to keep the tedding frequency at the lowest possible level, which can be achieved with SaMASZ machines. Too frequent and intensive tedding during drying can cause losses, resulting from the mechanical breaking of leaves. SaMASZ tedders minimize the negative effects of the drying technology, positively influencing the purity of feed and protecting turf. Not only the machines, but soil moisture, weather conditions, and the subsequent stages of feed preparation are also important factors here.

High quality feed is achieved by:

• the adjustable spreading angle, which depends on the quantity and density of the crop, which, in turn, has an impact on the following:

− preventing losses resulting from crushing

− preventing the compacting of green fodder

− accelerating the drying process

− good aeration of green fodder and complete inversion

Przetrzącacz 1 B

• the right distance between the wheels and rake tines prevents the turf from being disturbed and the windrow from contaminating with soil, regardless of irregularity of the terrain (through perfect adaptation to the shape of the terrain)

• small diameter of carousels and the appropriately shaped symmetrical tines to ensure that the entire windrow is picked up, which is particularly important when tedding on a mower without a crushing unit

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• wide wheels, which limit soil compaction and ensure a more regular distance between the tines and the soil, which is particularly important on an uneven terrain

• optimum adaptation to the ground to ensure that green fodder is spread evenly and dries out more quickly, without the risk that the feed could be contaminated

Thanks to the working width of 12 metres, the SaMASZ tedder is capable of spreading green fodder evenly over an area of almost 14 hectares, in one hour.

An advice from an expert of SaMASZ!

To achieve a better working efficiency on uneven terrain, set the wheels closer to the rake tines, which enables working at a larger tedding angle.

The possibility of turning the wheels to the left by 17° is helpful, when working along the right edge of the meadow, and if the edge of the meadow is on the left side, turn the wheels to the right.

During the first pass, carry out more turns to achieve the loosening effect, by knocking down the waxy coating of the plants , which accelerates their drying out.

For maximum turf protection, you can install an additional front support wheel, which is particularly useful on hilly terrain.

The technology which has an impact on the purity of feed - RAKES
Pokos I Zgrabiarka B

SaMASZ rakes have been designed to ensure the accuracy of work and protection of windrow. This type of equipment adapts to any type of terrain, which means that the quality of raking is significantly higher, when compared to less advanced technologies. The design of SaMASZ rakes makes it possible to form more fluffy rolls of windrow, without tangling the plants.

The technology which has an impact on the purity of feed - RAKES

SaMASZ rakes have been designed to ensure the accuracy of work and protection of windrow. This type of equipment adapts to any type of terrain, which means that the quality of raking is significantly higher, when compared to less advanced technologies. The design of SaMASZ rakes makes it possible to form more fluffy rolls of windrow, without tangling the plants.

The purity of feed is achieved by:

• using tandem suspension and a wide trolley to improve ground tracking, which reduces the contamination of feed (longitudinal and transverse ground tracking)

The rotor used in the Z2 and Tango double-rotor rakes rotates on a chassis with three tandems. The longitudinal and transverse ground tracking mechanisms enables very good tracking of the terrain. The result is a very clean harvest of green fodder or hay. The Z 2-780 rake is a positive exception in the rake class up to 7.8 m, if compared to

other Polish and Western European manufacturers - it not only features the transverse and longitudinal ground tracking mechanism, but also a three-tandem suspension per 1 carousel.

Kąt B
Tawrde Laki

• the carousel’s suspension system, which allows movement in 3 planes, improving the adaptation of the working unit to the shape of terrain

• the curved shape of the arms and their tangential arrangement on the gearbox ensure laying a uniform and continuous windrow, while the plants are fed perpendicularly to the windrow, which prevents their forcing through or twisting

• the specially shaped rake tines provide accurate and clean harvesting of feed

• height and width adjustment of raking and an additional working height adjustment for hard and water-logged meadows

• lightweight design and use of pressure relief springs to minimize ground pressur

Sprężyny B

• wide wheels to limit soil compaction and ensure stability and keeping a constant distance between the tines and the soil.

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